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AmericanFreedom Form Hybrid Combative Arts Association


You can JOIN US for classes or take advantage of any of the many exciting programs, AFFKbJ seminars, self-defense seminars, group or corporate seminars or other helpful and valuable services provided by Cunningham’s Ugottawanna Martial Arts simply by contacting our friendly and professional staff:

CALL Cunninghams’s Ugottawanna Martial Arts at (217) 899-3677

or E-MAIL US @

You may also JOIN US as a Member of the


The AMERICAN FREEDOM FORM HYBRID COMBATIVE ARTS ASSOCIATION has been developed to provide a particular niche for…, a brotherhood of… and a network between… like-minded independent-thinking, non-political Black Belt Martial Artists and Martial Arts Instructors who value their independence as they continually commit to excellence in their individual and creative ways of improving the “Martial” in Martial Arts, instilling an “Aliveness” in the methods of successfully teaching effective self-defense, and helping people to truly enhance their lives through their study and training in the Martial Arts.

If the above paragraph describes you (or who you would like to be), and you practice and teach Kenpo, Boxing, Kickboxing, Jujitsu, Karate, Mixed Martial Arts, Jeet Kune Do, Muay Thai or some other strongly self-defense oriented style or system of martial art, you are invited to submit a two-page (minimum) narrative application indicating who you are, what you teach, your general philosophy regarding the martial arts today, your particular interest in this type of brotherhood, what and how you feel you can contribute to the Association, and anything else you would like us to know about you. Also, please assure us that it takes at least 3.5-5 years to obtain a Black Belt in your style/system and that you do not award Black Belts to 8 year olds.

Our Association is pointedly and purposefully non-political. As such, all members are considered equal. We want to appreciate each other for our respective real and potential contributions to the world, to the arts, and to this Association as “just good and genuine people”… and have little regard for the self-importance and unabashed arrogance of persons who would LOUDLY and UNDULY flaunt “Rank” and “Title” (make no mistake…we fully recognize and respect time, effort, rank and title in the martial arts…but those who would insist upon being referred to by friends and family at the Thanksgiving dinner table as “Great Grandmaster Soke Professor Ahmgod” are probably more suited for one of the many other associations that already have their share of his kind). ;-)

Our Association will, through the collective strength and genuine integrity of our members, help to preserve our independence and the freedom and latitude to exercise some of the creativity implicit in our “art” as to how we design curricula and structure our methods of teaching for today’s modern world. This is, itself, an “art” !

It can be argued that “only the strong survive” among those who take this independent approach in their martial arts business, and there is irrefutable evidence from the ages to support that argument. Indeed, there seems to be a growing movement to take away the creativity implicit in the martial “arts” and to “standardize” everything… from what is taught… to how it is taught… to how much the instructor should charge. However, our Association is here to help more independent-thinking martial artists be among the “strong” by providing an opportunity to network among a group of like-minded, independent, non-political, good and genuine people to help us survive and thrive and continue to enjoy our freedom and independence.

Please send $ 20 (annual fee to cover administrative costs) and your narrative application (along with your e-mail address and web-site address) to:

American Freedom Form Hybrid Combative Arts Association

c/o Cunningham’s Ugottawanna Martial Arts

21407 Dawson Street

Greenview, IL 62642

Upon review and acceptance, you will receive a beautiful, unique frame-able certificate as well as networking opportunities throughout the year.

Thank you… in brotherhood,

Buck Cunningham

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